Self-Help Books… do they really work?
You might be wondering who reads self-help books and who are they for? If you’ve already started your personal growth journey you might be wanting to know what self-help book shall I read next, or which self-help books are good for anxiety, stress or relationships?
I am one of those people with a shelf full of self-help books and a building read list on Audible.
But what is it about self-help books that’s got us hooked?
My love affair with personal development started in my teens, I was always looking for a way to grow and progress so a book that taught you how to do something or helped you change your perspective was magnetic to me.
I can't stand the feeling of hopelessness in any situation so being able to go and read or listen to a book about how to potentially fix a situation or problem helps me gain some control over the situation again. The moment it arrives through the letterbox or I see it downloading on my phone I feel a sense of calmness and satisfaction that I am actually DOING SOMETHING to change where I am and how I feel about something.
Being an over-thinker, I can ponder and agonise about things all night and all week if I get myself worked up about something but there’s something about taking that small step of action that stops the whirring of thoughts whizzing around my mind. (I have improved with age, therapy and more books!)
I have books on business, anxiety, psychology, babies, organisation, finding your power you name it's on my bookshelf!
But do I think it ACTUALLY helps???
The simple answer for me is YES, I do.
I think that sometimes we are too ‘in’ a situation to have clarity and see the best step forward and instead of going around all of your friends seeking their untrained opinion why not read a book by an expert? Someone you admire and has had the results you want or are in the situation you want to be.
Get it straight from the horse's mouth!
Now I’m not saying that you should hang on to every word, but I do think I can help you see an outside perspective to help you reflect on a situation and gain better insight and add some skills to your toolbox of strategies and coping mechanisms. It can help you feel to make you better equipt when problems arise.
After all, life is just a series of problems we have to overcome in order to grow as M. Scott Peck said in The Road Less Travelled
If you are expecting to get through life without a single hic-up then you will be disappointed. he goes on to add that only through pain can we experience growth, but it's how we tackle the problems that define us and determined the outcome. Great book!
Self-help books can be a relatively inexpensive way to gain more knowledge and challenge your beliefs and current life patterns.
Whilst I am an avid self-help book reader, it is no match for a therapist. If you are experiencing Anxiety, Loss, Anger, Frustration etc and are unable to move forwards in your life please click here to read more about our therapists and their services.
Here are a few books below to get you started
The Road Less Travelled By M. Scott Peck
A great self-help book for how to live, love and parent
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook By Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D
A great self-help book for dealing with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, specific phobias, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other anxiety-related issues.
The Stress-Proof Brain By Melanie Greenberg, PhD
A great self-help book to help you put a stop to unhealthy responses to stress—such as avoidance, tunnel vision, negative thinking, self-criticism, fixed mindset, and fear. Powerful, comprehensive tools based in mindfulness, neuroscience, and positive psychology.
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Survive and Thrive When The World Overwhelms You By Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D
A great self-help book to help readers to identify their highly sensitive traits and to make the most of them. The book helps to 'reframe' past events, such as a difficult childhood, or how they see themselves – ie. shy. Useful for those raising a sensitive child.
I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One
By Brook Noel & Pamela D Blair PhD
A great self-help book to help with grief and bereavement. The grief book that just "gets it." Whether you're grieving the sudden loss of a loved one or helping someone else through their grief, I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye offers a comforting hand to help guide you through the grieving process, from the first few weeks to the longer-term emotional and physical effects.
If you are looking for help with Anxiety try our downloadable guide